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Mike Goodson

Aug 10 Devotion: Tears

Psalm 56:8 - "Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?"

Intro- Tears Move - 

1. The Heart of God

2. The Heart of a sinner 

3. The Heart in your own bosom

I. The tears of the Saviour-

   1. Over Jerusalem - Luke 19:41

   2. At Lazarus’ grave - John 11:35

   3. In the Garden - Hebrews 5:7

II. Tears of Joy -

   1. Joseph wept over his brethren - Gen. 45:15

III. Tears of Gratitude - Luke 7:36-38

   1. Woman was thankful-washed His feet with her tears

IV. Tears of Regret - Hebrews 12: 16-17

   1. Esau found no place for Repentance

V. The Tears of a Soul - Winner- Psalm 126:6

   1. The weeping, broken-hearted soul winner

VI. The Tears of a Back-Slider - Psalm 137:1-2

   1. When remembered the past - sat and wept

VII. The Tears in Hell - Luke 16: 23-24    1. Tears, crying for Mercy

-Bro. Mike Goodson


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