Your Decisions Determine Your Destiny
Numbers 13:16-33,Numbers 14:1-10
Intro –
1. Israel is brought to the point of making a life changing
2. Many today have sealed their destiny by the decision
they made.
The Following 3 Things Influenced Their Decision
I. Their circumstances caused the wrong decision-
1. Walled cities, Giants all they could see
2. They felt small, insignificant, powerless, frustrated
3. They looked at God in light of circumstances not
4. They compared their circumstances to Man-not God.
II. The negative influence of 10 spies –
1. 10 men who said it couldn’t be done.
2. 10 men who said “we are just being realistic – we know
3. 10 men – not the walls, giants, Pharaoh, Red Sea
4. Influence of people of things today – stopping a lot of
churches today.
III. Their unwillingness to pay the price –
1. In every step forward there is a price to pay.
2. Nothing given, nothing received, no weeping,
no reaping
3. Have to give up easy life to accomplish more
4. Caused them to just wander in the wilderness
Close- You are where you are today because of the decisions
you made.
-Bro. Mike Goodson