Matthew 5:7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
Jesus spoke these words on a hillside over two thousand years ago and they still echo through the halls of time powerful words in regards to mercy, “Blessed are the merciful; for they shall receive mercy.” Mercy is not an ownership, but rather, it is a stewardship. To help teach this truth to HIS disciples, Jesus tells them the parable of the two slaves that both had debts that they were obligated to pay. One was forgiven a debt so large that he would never be able to repay it. He in turn refused to forgive the slave who owed him a small amount. Jesus goes on to say that because the one had been forgiven so much, in the same way he should have extended forgiveness and mercy to the other. When Jesus saved us from our sin, we now have a debt that we could NEVER repay! Hallelujah! We have been given MERCY, and those who have been given mercy are obligated to extend it.
The struggle to extend mercy to another often comes from the view we have. Mercy is given not based on the worthiness of the person receiving it, but rather, it is based on the worthiness of God. Let me just say…HE IS WORTHY!!! Extending mercy becomes an act of obedience because it brings honor and gloryto Jesus! Our Lord delights in mercy, and when we pour out mercy into the life of another we are patterning our life after Jesus Himself, and this pleases the Lord.
I read about an elderly man that had reached a point in his life when he could no longer stay by himself and had to move in with his son and his family. His hands, very worn and feeble, had great difficulty with even ordinary tasks such as brushing his hair, buttoning his clothes when dressing, or holding his fork steady when trying to eat. The son and daughter-in-law grew impatient with him as every night at the supper table, the old man would shake so badly that he would spill his food, and drop his glass unable to keep a firm grip on it. This caused a mess that had to be cleaned up night after night. Unable to endure it any longer, they made the old man sit away from the family by himself, giving him a wooden bowl and spoon to eat with. The grandson looked on with pity for his grandfather sitting all alone night after night. One day the young father saw his son working with some scrap wood out in the workshop and asked, “what are you making son?” Without hesitation the son replied, “I’m making a wooden bowl for you and mom to use some day when you’re old like Grandpa.”
My friend, there will come a day, that you and I will need to be extended mercy from another. Jesus knew this and gave us this treasure of Truth found within the giving of mercy. When we extend mercy we will receive mercy. Our receiving mercy from God is reason alone to pour out mercy upon another, but in HIS goodness and richness of Grace HE promised to lavish upon us even greater mercy when we are obedient in giving it to another. Are you withholding mercy from someone? Is there a hurt that you are unwilling to heal by applying mercy to the offender? If you’ve been given mercy, then you are obligated to extend it. Every time we refuse to be merciful we are cutting off the supply of mercy that we will so desperately need one day ourselves.
Bro. Lawrence Longworth
Isaiah 61:1 “the opening of the prison to them that are bound;”