Isaiah 6:8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send,
and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.
Service for God is a great privilege and there is certainly so much that can
be done. There are many opportunities for ministry and the need is great
but let us examine this verse a little closer this morning to see some
specifics that are given here.
Isaiah heard a call from God. "Whom shall I send, and who will go for
us?" You need to be listening for the voice of God to hear his calling. You
might say that this is a general call for everyone but at a closer
examination of the text you will see that it is Isaiah himself who heard it
and it was directed at him. The question that God is asking here is, "Isaiah,
will you be the one that is willing to go?"
Then, Isaiah heeded the call. "Here am I; send me". His answer declares
his willingness to serve. He knew that the call was for him. He was
burdened by the call from God. He knew there was a plan designed by
God for him and he must fulfill it.
How about you this morning? Have you heard the call of God to service?
Listen. This may be the very day God speaks to you and when he does,
heed the call. Don't let the things of the world block the lines of
communication and don't let the cares of this world choke out your
commitment. God has a work for you to do. Step up and say, "Here am I;
send me".
In Christ’s Service,
Bro. Adrian Moore
2 Cor. 4:5