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Adrian Moore

Feb 22 Devotion: What is Your Conversation Saying?

Philippians 1:27 Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of

Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of

your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together

for the faith of the gospel;

We customarily think of a conversation as talking with someone (and this

certainly can be a true definition) but in the Bible, the term “conversation” is

more defined as the overall way you live your life. It is not just the things you

say but also the things you do that speak as to who you really are. The

above verse tells us to live in such a way that “becometh the gospel”. The

word “becometh” is the thought of being appropriate, proper, and that which

brings beauty and value to a situation. When people see those that claim to

know Christ as their Savior, the “conversation” they see should exemplify

what it means to be Christ-like.

This proper conversation is something that is worthy of talking about. It is

observable to those around you, and it is so influential that it is noised

abroad. They will “hear of your affairs”. Now when you get a group together

(the context of this verse is the local church in Phillipi) and all have this

becoming conversation, there will be a unity that “stands fast in one spirit,

with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel”. It looks and acts

like a local church should. It brings honor and glory to God and the world

can see a difference.

Let us consider one more thought concerning this verse. This way of living

(our “conversation”) should be the “only” way we live. It says, “Only let your

conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ.” Don’t stray away to

some other way of thinking. Stay true to the truth. Be a Christian in word

and deed. Let your “conversation” speak volumes concerning your

relationship with Christ. Let others see the Lord living through you.

-Bro. Adrian Moore


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