The Saints Of God Can Be Everything
Jude 1:22 And of some have compassion, making a difference:
Over the course of the last couple weeks I’ve come across multiple stories about suicide rates being up. It’s easy to point the finger at all the restrictions that have been imposed over the last 20 months and just blame all that. Sometimes I think we too easily just look at it as a “worldly” problem. However, that’s also not the case. We’ve heard stories of preachers taking their own life. I’ve heard and seen of people who profess to know Christ take their own life. We have no idea sometimes what can be going through someone’s head. We can find it hard to understand that process at times. We’ve heard our pastor say many times that you never know the hurt or heartache behind the smile when someone comes into the house of God. I don’t believe God laid this on my heart today to bring you down. Our text verse is the same verse we use in the jail ministry. If anyone should have compassion it should be the saints of God. If people have anywhere to turn it should be the saints of God. If you are that person that’s struggling today then reach out to that friend to talk. If you’re that friend, just listen and don’t judge. Show compassion to that one that might be struggling. You might even be that friend and not even realize it. How could that be you might say? We’ve had flower services before and tell others how what they mean to us. Maybe God has laid someone on your heart today to just reach out by text or phone call. You never know when they could be struggling and that encouraging text you send them today could be just what they need to make it through their day. As this world gets further and further from God we must lean on God’s people to help each of us when we become discouraged. You have no idea the difference you could make in someone’s life today by just showing a little compassion.
God bless you today! Bro. Josh Richardson