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Writer's pictureImmanuel Baptist Church

Jan 3 Devotion: The Only Things of Value

Ecclesiastes 1:2 “Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.”

In this verse, Solomon offers his conclusion of surveying all the work that man does under the sun. He has determined that all the labor and accumulation that takes place in a life is vain, or empty, because we all end our labor by passing from this world through the grave. This entire Book of the Bible demonstrates the futility in trying to improve our fate by means of works. We can not truly possess anything beyond the grave that we amass as a result of works with our hands.

Even today the world is full of people unaware that their labors are empty in the scope of eternity. There are only two things that translate to any value after we die; Accepting Christ as your Savior and What Treasures you laid up for the Kingdom of Heaven. The rest are vain, empty, worthless when you take into account that one day all will be consumed with the fervent heat of God.

The Only Things of Value:

1). Do NOT originate in the World – ever since sin cursed the world with Adam and Eve, nothing Holy has come from flesh or the Earth. All our best attempts to acquire favor are filthy rags. Greed, narcissism, Anger, Competition and every motive that drives the success of man is rooted in sin. Even if we manage to do good those acts completed with the arm of flesh are tainted with sin. That is why Solomon declares all is vanity, everything is empty of meaning on the earth because all will one day be destroyed.

2). Are Born of Christ – After our new birth, we are capable of accomplishing acts that are not vain because of our new citizenship and our being made righteous through salvation. If I rely on the flesh to accomplish deeds they are still vain; however, if I submit to the Will of God and complete deeds in obedience of His commandments and direction I can lay up treasures in Heaven. I am able to do works that are of value because Christ has empowered me and charged me with a role in the continuation of His work that was started in the church.

3). Have a Holy Focus – My paycheck is still vain, I cannot take riches with me to the grave. Yet there is value in laboring so that I can joyfully give a to the and offering to the Lord. We may still labor beside the world, but our focus is not on the material, but rather the spiritual. If my focus is on how I can best fulfill the Will of God then my actions will not be vain. When I am consumed with a passion to serve God my works are evidence of my faith and serve the purpose of working out my own salvation. So long as my desire is to lay up gold, silver and precious gems for the honor and glory of God then my works will be valuable because they transcend the scope of my earthy life and will serve to make an eternal impact.

Solomon observed every type of labor under the sun and saw that man is only concerned with how to make their life as enjoyable as possible. Our actions cease to be vain when we humble ourselves before God and purpose to use this vessel for His purposes rather than our own.

Your fellowservant in Christ,

Bro. Jordan Foster


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