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July 27 Devotion: Homewreckers

Writer's picture: Immanuel Baptist ChurchImmanuel Baptist Church

Proverbs 11:29 – He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind: and the fool shall be servant to the wise of heart.


1.) To agitate; to disturb; to put into confused motion.

2.) To disrupt

3.) To afflict; to grieve; to distress

A home, or as our verse refers to is, “his own house”, is meant to be the refuge for a family to equip themselves to go out and live their lives to the fullest approval of God. Long before God founded the church, he founded the home. God intended for your home to be the place where you grow into the fruition of the new creature that he birthed at the point of salvation. He intended the home to be the schoolhouse to nurture and raise children in the admonition of the Lord. God intended the home to be the place you first heard of Almighty God, Jesus Christ, and God’s standards for your life.

The inheritance of a godly home are the blessings of God. A home blessed with God’s grace, peace, and safety is a place where treasured memories are made with loved ones. That is a home where children love and respect their parents; where mother and father are spiritual heroes for their children; it is a home, that though battered by the storms of life, is built upon a rock that cannot be washed away.

Troubling your home is not so simplistic a thing as inciting disagreements or petty feuds. No, read today’s verse through the perspective of God. How many things do we daily perform that cause agitation, disturbance, confusion, disruption, affliction, grief, or distress to the home? How often do rob ourselves of the blessings of God on our homes by instigating spiritual unrest in the very places we live? We wonder why revival tarries. Could it be that our storehouses of spiritual integrity have been blown empty by the wind? Could it be that we cause troubles that blow away our treasured blessings as a leaf blower blows away the falling foliage of autumn? We seek to have much fruit. But how much fruit can grow in the troubled ground?

We reach for the fruit of our spirituality only to find the wind between our fingers. All that we labor for is whisked away from the ever-changing currents of life in the world. Our hands are caressed by the empty wind, instead of God’s blessings, because our homes are being troubled. Not troubled from without, but troubled from within.

As our Pastor has preached so many times: As goes the home, so goes the church. Revival will not come at the House of God until God’s people stop causing trouble in their own homes. We think ourselves increased with goods and deceive ourselves into thinking we have need of nothing. The true test for the stability and fruitfulness of your home is to ask if God would feel comfortable living in that home. In truth, he does. He aught to be the heartbeat of each home, but often we make God little more than trimming or gilding. When was the last time that God had more room in your home than a framed quote on the wall or scripture at the bottom of a painting?

When the homes of God’s people are no longer troubled from inside the walls, revival will come. IF not collectively as a church, certainly to the hearts of those residing within those peaceful walls.

Your fellowservant in Christ,

-Bro. Jordan Foster



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