Proverbs 10:29 “The way of the LORD is strength to the upright: but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity.”
The Lord has shown me a few things out of this verse for today’s devotion, but before we can get to the thought, I have to define a word. “The upright” are those whom have integrity and possess a complete spirituality.
This is contrasted with those who work iniquity (unequal dealings with God). So Solomon deduced that “the way of the Lord” is strength to those that are completely invested in the things of God. In order to obtain this strength, one cannot have iniquity regarded in their heart. Man cannot serve God and mammon simultaneously, and the strength that comes from the way of the Lord is reserved for those who walk the bath of righteousness for His name’s sake.
That being said, today’s thought is on how walking in the way of the Lord provides strength to His followers. This strength imparted to the believer is the reason that the Lord’s burden is light, why His commandments are not grievous, and how a Christian’s spirituality can stand the storms of this world. Without further adieu, lets look at “A Follower’s Strength.”
1) His Way is Guided – The 23 Psalm goes into great depth of how magnificent our Lord is in His capacity as the Chief Shepard. But all those benefits are because we follow the Lord, yet Solomon points out that there is strength gained along this path. The first way the way of the Lord gives us strength is because the Lord walks the path with us. The great I AM paved this way called straight and our Savior walks each step with us. How many times does the book of Psalms also refer to the Lord as our High Tower, a Fortress, or a place of strength? The answer is A LOT, and for good reason. Merely being in such a close spiritual proximity to the Lord gives strength to the follower. Morale cannot fall when you look to the author and finisher of our faith. Valleys become less deep, weak hands find strength and our resolve to continue standing is bolstered when you walk the path that guided by the Lord.
2) Commandments Cement – We have heard much preaching as of late on the fact that if you love God you will keep His Commandments. The upright follower undoubtedly adheres to this instruction. Commandments are not oppressive requirements to a sold out saint, instead they are strength. The Word refers to our bodies as the tabernacle of the Holy Spirit, and when Christ made us a new creature he transformed us from the off-scour of the world in a fitly built residence for the almighty. If the Son set you free then you are free indeed, therefore His commandments cannot bring bondage to us. An upright follower understands that those commandments are the mortar to the bricks of our tabernacle for God. His way strengthens the integrity of our spirituality and each instruction shores up our vessel so that we may possess it in honor. Doing as He says only ensures that I am more like Him and equips me to remain wholly His as I journey through this sin cursed World.
3) Bolstering Fruits – Walking in the way of the Lord brings forth the fruits of the Spirit. Love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance are attributes of the Almighty that are manifested in those who allow the seed of salvation to grow and bring forth fruit in our lives. But each of these bring forth strength in a follower as we travel the way established by the Lord. Each of these allow us to be in the world but not part of the world. When enticed to follow the ungodly or tempted to sin, if a Christian looks to the fruit provided by God they discover that they want for nothing. There is immense strength in the clarity that the world has nothing to offer us. That strength is the difference between those who having done all to stand still stand and those who fall to Devil’s devices.
Those in the world that are ignorant concerning the things of God look at the way of the Lord as laborious and inhibiting. However, to an upright individual that path is ripe with strength that ensures each step is sure and unshakable. So the next time you feel as if you’re about to falter under the load look to your Guide, apply some more Mortar and Taste some fruit. When you do, the strength found therein will doubtlessly carry you through so that you too can say that you fought a good fight and finished your course.
Your fellowservant in Christ,
Bro. Jordan Foster