Giving Generously
2 Corinthians 9:7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give ; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
Think for a moment about your favorite place to go eat, whether it be something for a main course or a favorite place to go for desert. What happens if the next time you go and all the servings have gotten smaller? Your favorite dish is now half of what it was. You’d quickly reconsider going anymore if they aren’t going to be more generous with their offerings. What about your generosity to God? Not talking about just money, but what about your time? What about your service, etc? What’s your attitude when it comes time to study? Do you look forward to it, or is it just a mundane routine you feel obligated to do? Do you look forward to getting to go to worship Him at the appointed times or do you just look at it as “church times?” Giving generously of ourselves is about our attitude. If something isn’t in our heart then it just can’t be forced. We’ve all seen someone just going through the motions so to speak. You can tell if their heart isn’t in it. Same thing goes for us. If it’s in our heart then we’ll just give of ourselves in whatever capacity God desires and allow Him to do a great work. If you are doing things just because the Bible says so, then are you giving grudgingly or giving generously?
God bless you today! Bro. Josh Richardson