Acts 20:20 – “And how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have shewed you, and have taught you publicly, and from house to house,”
Paul had called leaders together –
Purpose of meeting was to focus on soul winning.
Paul was a man with poor vision physically.
Paul was a man with 20/20 spiritual vision.
3 Things About Paul’s Vision
I. Paul had a tender vision – verses 19,31
“With many tears”
Paul was moved by the needs of the people.
Paul had compassion for those in bondage.
II. Paul had a targeted vision – verse 20
“Publicly from house to house”
His ministry was a continual outreach.
His ministry was centered on salvation.
His ministry took him into homes.
III. Paul had a total vision – verse 21
“ Both to the Jews, also to the Greek”
Paul saw everyone as a candidate for salvation.
Paul’s passion for souls was without prejudice.
Paul wanted to be free from the blood of all men-verse 26
Close – May God give us the 20/20 vision.
Bro. Mike