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Ron Little

May 20 Devotion: Who is the King of Glory?

Who Is The King of Glory?

Psalm 24:10

Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah.

1. In Genesis 1.1 He is the creator of everything

2. In Colossians 1.17 He is in charge of all things

3. In Psalm 147.18 He commands everything

4. In Matt 11.28.30 He is the caller of the lost person.

5. In Luke 23.33 He is the one dying on calvary for sinners

6. In Rev 1.5 He is the one whose children are cleansed in the blood of the Lamb

7. In 1 Thessalonians 4.13 He is the soon coming Christ

8. In Hebrews 13.5 He’s the committed one to his children

9. In Hebrews 2.10 He is the captain of our salvation

10. In Hebrews 9 .27.28 He’s the Christ in which we'll give an account to

God bless

Bro Ron Little


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