What Kind of Eyes Do You Have?
Matthew 13:16 – “But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.“
Matthew 13:16 – Blessed eyes which see
Luke 10:23 – Blessed eyes which see the things that he see
Luke 10:24 – Many have a desire to see what we see, but don’t
Ill. II Kings 6:13-17 – Elisha prayed – open his eyes to see
What Kind of Eyes do You Have?
Eve- had deceiving eyes
Achan – had desiring eyes
10 spies- had doubting eyes
Man at Bethsaida – had dim eyes
Moses- had discerning eyes
John – had disturbing eyes
Jesus – had delivering eyes
Close – may our prayer be – Psalm 119:18
Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.
-Bro. Mike Goodson