What kind of friend are you?
Proverbs 18:24 A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.
If you read this and don’t attend our church, yesterday in our services we had the privilege of celebrating our Pastors 30 year’s in the ministry. A major theme that rang thru out the day was just how good of a friend he has been to so many thru all those years. That got me to looking at my life and asking myself, what kind of friend am I? So today I’d like to pose that to you as well, what kind of friend are you? -temporary friend You never get to close to anyone for possible fear of getting hurt. Just in and out of peoples lives.
-thin skinned friend A good friend as long as they are doing what you approve of.
-timid friend Can people count on you to be honest about things with them. Sometimes we don’t see what’s best for us and it takes that friend to be honest with us.
-true friend That friend a person knows they can count on. Tell you anything without you gossiping, without you judging, and without you walking away from your friendship.
Praise His name that we have that in our Lord! He’s always there for us and never lets us down!! Can the same be said for you by others?
Bro. Josh Richardson