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Josh Richardson

Oct. 18 Devotion: Go Big or Go Home

Go Big Or Go Home

Acts 2:41

Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.

Our Pastor preached out if this text last Sunday. We know Peter has just preached and about 3000 has been added that day! Can you imagine!! What a day that had to have been! Think for a moment about this phrase we hear often today: “Go big or go home!” You’ve possibly heard this phrase more often: “Gotta go all in.” I’ve heard both of those this past week. They are great to say, and seem to be strictly applied to worldly endeavors. Have you ever applied that way of thinking to your spiritual thinking? You might not be in a service with 3000 lost people, but do you pray that God would save everyone that’s lost in that service whether it be one or ten? When was last time you prayed for God to show up and do something that you just can’t explain? I believe God is big enough He could do some amazing things if we didn’t put him in a box so to speak. Think about our upcoming revival meeting? Do you believe God can show up and not only help our church, but change our entire community and beyond? Can you see God showing up so big that we could have a meeting that goes on for weeks? If you don’t think possible then I’ll ask where’s your faith? We are still here so the Lord is still in the saving business!! What would churches look like if we went all in on God and just sought to see Him to show up and do things we’ve never even imagined. He’s big enough He most certainly could!! Do we want it bad enough?

God bless you today!

Bro. Josh Richardson


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