hilemon 1:6 “That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.”
Today’s devotion isn’t as formatted as mine usually are because I felt the best way to convey the thought was through a progression of thought rather than bulleted points. (Just a friendly heads up.)
Paul tells Philemon that he prays that Philemon’s communication of his faith would become effectual. Effectual communication is such that has the desired result. Therefore, Paul desires that Philemon will grow in his spirituality to the point that when he shares his faith with others that those listening would wish to be born again in Christ.
When was the last time that you shared your faith in Christ with another and your words were so effective in their conveyance that the other asked you to show them how to be saved? Dare I say, that for most Christians, this is a rare occurrence.
Paul told Philemon that the only way to develop effectual communication is by the acknowledgement of every good thing within us given by Christ. Words are effectual when we recognize the gifts of God, submit to His direction and have faith that the Holy Spirit will speak to the heart as our words reach someone’s ears.
My words are vain babbling, sounding brass and tinkling cymbals when spoken in the flesh. If I become aware of the gifts God has put in me, seek to master them and then utilize them God can them use me to communicate effectually.
My words should be saturated in the fruits of the Spirit, tempered with the Word of God, resonating with the praise of God and discerned of the Spirit so that they are fitly spoken.
If every Christian acknowledged what God put in their hearts and souls when He saved them, then spoke with those gifts being fully received, then the World would hear what we say.
Your fellowservant in Christ,
Bro. Jordan Foster