Jude Verse 20 “But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,”
Jude throughout this book warns of the evils that men do amidst Christians. He warns to wary of them, explains the damage they cause, and finally explains how a Christian can overcome those that walk after the flesh.
Verse 20 is the beginning of Jude encouragement for Christians to continue to walk in the Lord and mature into more holy examples of God’s grace. But he starts out his instructions with a pillar of our spirituality, faith. That is the thought of today’s devotion, “Building on Your Faith.” We must Build on our Faith by:
1) Growing our Faith – Just as God gave man a measure of faith to exercise in the plan of salvation, God you can increase our faith. The flesh may tempt us to rely on logic or trends of the world, but to truly avoid becoming canal and following after the sensual we must always follow after God in Faith. Our desire at the root of our walk with God should always to become closer to him, and without faith it is impossible to please him. So, when a moment comes when your faith seems weak, keep the pray “Lord, help mine unbelief” near to your heart.
2) Using Faith as our Foundation – Jude tells us to build up ourselves on our faith. Faith is the unshakable bedrock which our lives should be founded upon. Faith in God will always stand the test of time and will never return void. So if I continue to build my life on my faith in the Lord, and make choices that center on what He would have me to do, they will never be toppled by the World. The only thing that can destroy something I have built on top of my faith is my desire to stop putting faith in God. Therefore, as long as I keep growing my faith, and building my entire life on top of it, the promises of God which fuel my faith will never disappoint me.
3) Spreading our Faith – Building on our faith also applies to the religion. Build the faith by spreading the gospel. Build on by adding more converts and fill the ranks with those that put their faith in the Lord. The more that come to know Jesus, the more than can go out and tell how their faith in the Lord has been rewarded with salvation.
In summation, your faith is more than just your trust in God. It should be at the forefront of your entire life. When we allow our faith to increase, build our life around our trust in God, and continue to spread the Word of the Gospel our faith with be rewarded when we hear “Well Done” when we stand before the Lord.
Your fellowservant in Christ, Bro. Jordan Foster