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Sept 7 Devotion: What is Heaven Like?

I Corinthians 2:9 - "But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."

I. It is Light without Darkness -

  •    Revelations 21:23 - Rev. 22:5 - Rev. 21:25

  •    For the Lord giveth them Light.

II. It is Blessing without the Curse

  •     Revelation 22:3

  •     For there shall be no curse there.

III. It is Singing without Crying - 

  •      Revelations 21:4 - Rev. 5:9-10

  •     For there shall be no more Crying.

IV. It is Satisfaction without Hunger

  •       Revelations 7:16-17 - Rev. 22:2

V. It is Service without Weariness

  •     Rev. 22:3 - Rev. 7:15

  •     For His Servants shall serve Him

VI. It is the Habitation of God and His Holy Angels

  •       Rev. 21:3 - I Thessalonians 4:13-17 - John 14:3

  •      For so shall we ever be with the Lord.

VII. It is Life without Death - Sorrow -Pain

  •     Revelations 21:4 - I John 3:2 - Rev. 8:29, I Cor. 15:49

  •      For there shall be no more Death, Sorrow, Pain

-Bro. Mike Goodson


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